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Workplace Training

online or on-site 
Contact us to discuss your training needs and arrange a booking.

"Very insightful and beneficial
- certainly feel more confident to support my team and wider colleagues."
Adult Mental Health Champion course participant
"This was really excellent and should, I think, be required training for all organisations that are public facing." 
Higher Education Mental Health Champion course participant
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For online training deliveries and on-site training deliveries within Oxfordshire:

Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health Champion
Higher Education Mental Health Champion
Adult Mental Health Refresher                        
Adult Mental Health Aware                                   
This includes the cost of manuals, workbooks, MHFA England registration and certification.

Contact us to discuss your training needs and to book your workplace training.

For on-site training deliveries outside Oxfordshire:
Contact us for a free quote based on your location. Fees will reflect any additional travel, and may need to include overnight accommodation costs.


Follow-up services:
We are also able to provide a support service for people who have completed our mental health training, and for companies and organisations who wish to improve workplace wellbeing. Contact us for more information.
Mental ill health costs UK employers up to £45 billion each year. By supporting the mental health of their employees employers benefit from reduced absenteeism, presenteeism and staff turnover.  By training in Mental Health First Aid people gain tools to support their own mental health and that of their colleagues, and encouragement to access timely support when needed. It can reduce the stigma of mental ill health in the workplace and help promote positive wellbeing. Wellbeing is good for business because healthy staff are happier, more engaged and more productive. 
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